Intel T3 vs AMD T3A benchmark in AWS

Wondering if you should go for an Intel or AMD CPU when deploying EC2 instances in AWS? Check this benchmark comparison between the two platforms.

I will be using sysbench tool to benchmark Intel-based T3 instnce, and another AMD-based T3A instance.

AMD-based t3a.small specs:

Intel-based t3.small specs:

Install the benchmark tool

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt -y install sysbench

CPU benchmark


sysbench cpu --threads=2 run

total time:                          10.0012s
total number of events:              13277


sysbench cpu --threads=2 run

total time:                          10.0002s
total number of events:              16202

Memory benchmark


sysbench memory --threads=2 run

Total operations: 58636950 (5862640.73 per second)
57262.65 MiB transferred (5725.24 MiB/sec)


sysbench memory --threads=2 run

Total operations: 55829314 (5579740.79 per second)
54520.81 MiB transferred (5448.97 MiB/sec)

Disk I/O benchmark


dd bs=16k count=102400 oflag=direct if=/dev/zero of=test_data
102400+0 records in
102400+0 records out

1677721600 bytes (1.7 GB, 1.6 GiB) copied, 83.592 s, 20.1 MB/s

dd bs=16K count=102400 iflag=direct if=test_data of=/dev/null
102400+0 records in
102400+0 records out

1677721600 bytes (1.7 GB, 1.6 GiB) copied, 54.1645 s, 31.0 MB/s


dd bs=16k count=102400 oflag=direct if=/dev/zero of=test_data
102400+0 records in
102400+0 records out

1677721600 bytes (1.7 GB, 1.6 GiB) copied, 71.3832 s, 23.5 MB/s

dd bs=16K count=102400 iflag=direct if=test_data of=/dev/null
102400+0 records in
102400+0 records out

1677721600 bytes (1.7 GB, 1.6 GiB) copied, 40.9778 s, 40.9 MB/s

Pricing (US-EAST-1)




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